22 Jun How Can I Secure a Loan Car for My Repair?
Accidents are unexpected, and for the busy and bustling amongst us they can more than just upsetting – they can really get in the way of going about your life and business. Your repairs might take less than a day, or they could be weeks, and being stuck without a car can stop you right in your tracks. Having a loan car that you can drive while yours is repaired can go a long way to minimising the headache caused by your crash.
There are several ways of making sure you have a loan car at your disposal when your car goes in for repairs.
1. Have a loan car option included in your insurance policy
Some insurance companies will offer loan car options when you take out your policy. Generally you will pay an additional premium, however this will ensure that if you are in an accident the insurance will arrange a loan vehicle for the duration of your repairs.
2. Be the not at fault driver in the accident
If you are hit by a third party and are not responsible, the other party’s insurance is obligated to pay for you to have a loan car while yours is being fixed. There are several companies that provide accident replacement vehicles such as Compass Corp, Acorn Rentals and Right to Drive. They will deal will the insurance company so that you don’t have to. You will need details of the third party and of the accident, and once you have provided enough information the loan car company can take care of the rest.
3. Use a repairer that offers loan cars
If you have neither a loan car included in your policy, and are at fault or missing third party details you will not be able to claim a loan vehicle from your insurance. In this event your only recourse is finding a crash repairer that can provide you with one. Find a reputable repairer that you are happy with that also offers loan cars, and ensure that these are at no cost and available for the duration of your repair.
Whichever option suits you best, you will now be able to arrange a loan car through either the insurance or your chosen crash repairer, and carry on about your life while your car is brought back to scratch!